Thursday, 25 March 2010

Tie a Scarf and Get Noticed!

In today's career woman, it pays to have a fair knowledge of the different fashion accessories that can greatly complement one's character. Scarves and shawls have clearly transcended the borders of functionality to one of fashion statement. How to tie a scarf and shawl still get away with elegance and sophistication is thus a must.

Scarves and shawls have now been extensively used to augment a career woman's power attire. These garments have more than transcended the barriers of age old functional purpose, crossing cultural boundaries and limitations to become one of the most loved and treasured fashion accessory of the modern times.

What makes scarves and shawls very fashionable is that they can complement and enhance an otherwise dull looking attire and instantly transform it something sophisticated and elegant. How to tie a scarf thus become an essential requisite for the modern career woman, especially those who need to project power and sophistication, elegance and beauty.

Although there are countless styles of tying scarves and placing shawls on top of everyday attire, the primary consideration here is the person's knowledge and skill of making the three most basic folds for the scarf. These basic folds require a square shaped scarf and the rolling of the scarf in three different ways to give rise to the three basic scarf folds.

From these basic scarf folds come different knots, ties, and wrap styles that can accentuate any given attire's natural elegance. Buckaroo knot, Ascot knot, Casual knot, European knot, and Hollywood knot are just some of the more common types of scarf tying styles that the modern woman of today should know.

Tying a scarf is the art of using the three basic scarf folds into arrangements that brings out the natural beauty and elegance of any given attire. The beauty of it all is that the final design will only be limited by the person's creativity and sense of the appropriate. It is generally good to learn a few of these knots and ties and their recommended usage.

There are a variety of resources available on the Web, from online fashion stores as well as blog sites that have dedicated their virtual existence to the education of the career woman of today in maximizing the fashion benefits of scarves, shawls and other garments. In some cases, these online resources come with full illustrations to make learning the knots a lot easier.

However the manner of learning how to tie a scarf, what is important is the knowledge and appreciation of the scarf's inherent ability to enhance one's appearance by allowing it to exude with elegance and sophistication.

Ladies fashion scarves are available in innumerable design and styles. By knowing how to tie scarves, you'll be giving a sophisticated touch to your simply designed fashion look. In fact when you tie a shawl, it can change an outfit so that you are totally changed into a new vivacious set of clothing and style.

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